We are a passionate group of people that believe in bringing about change amongst the children in our community and providing them with leadership that creates leaders.
Richard De Winnaar, Trudie Blignaut,
Colan Peceur
Richard De Winnaar
Background Profile:
In 2008 I had the privilege of being introduced to Royal Family Kids. It is an international organization that strives to help children who have been severely traumatized by molestation, assault, and neglect. These children are part of the Department of Social Development and are part of the foster care system. RFK takes these children on a 5-day camp every year where the child can just be a child again, and feel safe with big people who don't want to hurt them It is here that I saw how God can bring these children to healing because of unconditional love and acceptance. This is where the dream was born to do more for these children than just the system can allow. In 2019 I had the privilege to temporarily become part of the existing safe house in the town. I realized here that the time had come to turn a long-standing dream and vision into reality, and Arukah Foundation was born. Due to Covid 19, the dream was put on hold, but in 2022 we were able to pursue our vision and dream at full steam and Royal Village saw the light. My heart is to see how these children, by the grace of the Lord, come to healing and restoration and are raised and empowered to become the leaders God created them to be.
I was very fortunate to see how the Lord worked a miracle in a boy's life, a boy who was rejected by society and written off as a rebel and worthless. This boy was constantly abused and molested, which made him a very angry boy. He could not share his emotions and anger and it all erupted at a Royal Family Camp in 2015. He bullied and tried to molest his roommates, just because it was done to him. His companion just continued to love and accept him, despite his behavior. After this camp, his life improved radically, and even his schoolwork. He became the cricket and rugby captain in his school. The boy had been in a reform school and was later placed back with foster parents due to his good progress and behavior. Today this boy is 18 years old and busy writing his matric after which he will enter adult life as a healthy and restored young man. I also trust that he can soon realize his dream, which is to become a volunteer at the Royal camps.